About Toshiaki Toyoda
The following is an excerpt from a piece about Toshiaki Toyoda on the site ALL THE ANIME.
When people think of the new masters of Japanese cinema, the same roster of names continues to crop up. Hirokazu Koreeda, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, and Takashi Miike, among others, tend to be the usual suspects as far as international acclaim goes. However, there is another director whose consistently introspective, vibrant, and brutal work has flown almost entirely under the radar, and that is Toshiaki Toyoda.
The director has faced uphill battles for most of his career, in part because of two very public arrests, first in 2005 and again in 2019. However, being shunned by the Japanese film industry hasn’t soured Toyoda’s appetite for filmmaking, nor has it dampened his raw talent. Following up on their 2016 boxset exploring the director’s electrifying early works, Third Window Films return with another release celebrating the films of Japan’s neglected cult filmmaker.
read the rest of the article on the excellent site All The Anime, a site for not just anime news, but for Japanese cinema too: https://blog.alltheanime.com/toshiaki-toyoda/