New Releases for May
Shaw Brothers kung fu meets 80s slasher horror, starring kung fu legends like Chen Kuan Tai, Lo Lieh and Lo Meng When an unbalanced craftsman decides to get revenge on two Kung Fu masters by creating special lanterns constructed from the human skin of their dead relatives, all hell breaks loose in this gruesome tale of bloody retribution. Taking its inspiration from movies like Psycho and real cases like Ed Gein, HUMAN LANTERNS is clearly not for the faint-hearted with its over the top gore and sadistic qualities but this slice of darker than dark fantasy still manages to be both wonderfully horrible and impressively entertaining.
Based on the unbelievable true story!
Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide, stay alive whatever happens, the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, his role will be to wage a guerilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after, but for Onoda and his men, the war will go on for 10,000 more days.
Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu
Jackie Chan brings comedy to kung fu, with HALF A LOAF OF KUNG FU. Taking influences from Buster Keaton, Chan and director Chen Chi-Hwa made films that stood out in a time when the Shaw Brothers Studios were dominating the Hong Kong martial arts scene with serious kung fu epics.
Accident-prone Jiang (Chan) dreams of learning Kung Fu from a master, but when he takes employment as a bodyguard at a shady mansion, he stumbles upon an evil witch and finds himself in the middle of an uncertain future.
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