
By A Man’s Face You Shall Know Him

By A Man’s Face You Shall Know Him

By A Man’s Face You Shall Know Him explores post-war tensions in a small community in Tokyo as The Nine Heavens Gang (made up of Korean nationals) terrorise local residents and...

By A Man’s Face You Shall Know Him

By A Man’s Face You Shall Know Him explores post-war tensions in a small community in Tokyo as The Nine Heavens Gang (made up of Korean nationals) terrorise local residents and...

GO (2001) review by Asian Movie Pulse - TerracottaDistribution

GO (2001) review by Asian Movie Pulse

With the forthcoming Third Window Films blu ray release of GO (2001) directed by Isao Yukisada, Panos Kotzathanasis from Asian Movie Pulse reviews this Japanese delinquents high-school drama.

GO (2001) review by Asian Movie Pulse

With the forthcoming Third Window Films blu ray release of GO (2001) directed by Isao Yukisada, Panos Kotzathanasis from Asian Movie Pulse reviews this Japanese delinquents high-school drama.

Film Review - Punk Samurai in the Telegraph - Terracotta Distribution

Punk Samurai in the Telegraph

Legendary punk director Gakuryu Ishii (ex Sogo Ishii) adapts the famously “unfilmable” Ko Machida novel Punk Samurai Slash Down, telling the story of Junoshin Kake (Go Ayano), a ronin with...

Punk Samurai in the Telegraph

Legendary punk director Gakuryu Ishii (ex Sogo Ishii) adapts the famously “unfilmable” Ko Machida novel Punk Samurai Slash Down, telling the story of Junoshin Kake (Go Ayano), a ronin with...

Toxic Masculinity in East Asian Cinema - Terracotta Distribution

Toxic Masculinity in East Asian Cinema

Criticism of toxic masculinity has permeated throughout world cinema over the past decade. In Indonesia, writer-director Edwin’s Vengeance is Mine, All Others Pay Cash is a recent example of a film that...

Toxic Masculinity in East Asian Cinema

Criticism of toxic masculinity has permeated throughout world cinema over the past decade. In Indonesia, writer-director Edwin’s Vengeance is Mine, All Others Pay Cash is a recent example of a film that...

The Place for All Your Asian Cinema Needs! - TerracottaDistribution

The Place for All Your Asian Cinema Needs!

Hong-Kong BluRays is a channel that exists to give Hong Kong movie lovers a place to see reviews of Hong Kong movies released on the Bluray format. Reviews will be short...

The Place for All Your Asian Cinema Needs!

Hong-Kong BluRays is a channel that exists to give Hong Kong movie lovers a place to see reviews of Hong Kong movies released on the Bluray format. Reviews will be short...

REVIEW - Black Cat (1991) - TerracottaDistribution

REVIEW - Black Cat (1991)

Luc Besson’s 1990 action thriller La Femme Nikita remains one of the most enduringly influential movies throughout the years and has spawned its fair share of remakes. Before any of...

REVIEW - Black Cat (1991)

Luc Besson’s 1990 action thriller La Femme Nikita remains one of the most enduringly influential movies throughout the years and has spawned its fair share of remakes. Before any of...