Donnie Yen Releases Trailer for New Film; The P...
In his own words 'It’s official! The Prosecutor! Since SPL, Flashpoint, KungFu Jungle, Raging Fire, JW4 , THIS is my latest piece of contemporary work, id spent the last year...
Donnie Yen Releases Trailer for New Film; The P...
In his own words 'It’s official! The Prosecutor! Since SPL, Flashpoint, KungFu Jungle, Raging Fire, JW4 , THIS is my latest piece of contemporary work, id spent the last year...
The J-Horror Virus - Directors interview on Fan...
Although these films were kind of the beginnings of the consciousness for Western audiences, there’s an entire backstory that hadn’t been told. It’s all about telling that story, getting back...
The J-Horror Virus - Directors interview on Fan...
Although these films were kind of the beginnings of the consciousness for Western audiences, there’s an entire backstory that hadn’t been told. It’s all about telling that story, getting back...
Hong Kong Director Johnnie To Talks in BBC Cant...
"In terms of industry and art, this is not a good era...How can you fight against an elephant's foot when you're just an ant? If it steps on you, you're...
Hong Kong Director Johnnie To Talks in BBC Cant...
"In terms of industry and art, this is not a good era...How can you fight against an elephant's foot when you're just an ant? If it steps on you, you're...
November Releases
Arrow, 88 Films, Eureka, Radiance and BFI continue to prove why there are the best in the business. getting their hands on a lot of our favorite titles. Will it...
November Releases
Arrow, 88 Films, Eureka, Radiance and BFI continue to prove why there are the best in the business. getting their hands on a lot of our favorite titles. Will it...
Sunday Morning Chillax
We recently got an email from a customer sayign him and has brother are doing a radio and that for his part he will focus on film soundtracks and more...
Sunday Morning Chillax
We recently got an email from a customer sayign him and has brother are doing a radio and that for his part he will focus on film soundtracks and more...
Eureka Announces its First Asian Film Releases ...
CURE A landmark in the history of Japanese cinema, Cure was the breakthrough film for director Kiyoshi Kurosawa, who would go on to make several further modern masterpieces in Pulse, Creepy and Tokyo Sonata. Released to critical...
Eureka Announces its First Asian Film Releases ...
CURE A landmark in the history of Japanese cinema, Cure was the breakthrough film for director Kiyoshi Kurosawa, who would go on to make several further modern masterpieces in Pulse, Creepy and Tokyo Sonata. Released to critical...