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Jet Li, Kung-Fu Films, Remake, Short Film -

Unleasehd Short Film

This is a really cool fan film based on Jet Li's character Danny the Dog in the film Unleashed. The fight scenes are spot on and this is really worth you time.

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john woo, remake, the killer -

Remake of The Killer

John Woo is remaking The Killer for streaming service Peacock.
Its been long in development and has been through different versions across the years, most recently with Woo himself back to direct and cast Lupita Nyong'o.

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Cannes Film Festival, Film Festival, J-Horror, Japanese cinema, New Release, Remake -

Can you guess the Opening Film for this year's Cannes Film Festival?

Originally slated for Sundance, Z (previously called Final Cut) directed by Michel Hazanavicius (director of the Oscar winner The Artist). The French remake of One Cut of The Dead  will now get it's World Premiere in the Out of Competition section of the prestigious festival.

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